Launch Your Successful
Startup in Australia

Empowering first-time and experienced Asian entrepreneurs in their Australian market entry

Why Join the Incub8tor?

Industry-leading best practices to conceptualise, validate, launch
and scale a successful business in Australia

Portfolio Diversification - Starthub X Webflow Template

Business Model Validation

We helps to ensure that your business is built on a solid foundation and has a strong chance of success.

Investment Management - Starthub X Webflow Template

Market Entry Strategy

We help founders effectively navigate the Australian market and set the business up for long-term growth.

Investment Strategy - Starthub X Webflow Template

Business Plan Guidance

Create a comprehensive business plan to apply for grants, business loans pitch investors or get funding.

Tax Planning - Starthub X Webflow Template

Hands-on Mentorship

We provide an immersive and hands-on learning experience from talented entrepreneurs and innovators in Australia.

Wealth Transfer - Starthub X Webflow Template

Strong Network & Ecosystem

A complete ecosystem to accompany entrepreneurs, from business incorporation, admin, tax, accounting to marketing.

Cash Management - Starthub X Webflow Template

in Australia

Make sure your business check all the boxes for Australia's law and compliance.

About the program

12-Week program to launch your startup

The Incub8tor is a 12-week program that provides mentorship, business building opportunities, and connections to mentors and investors for Asian entrepreneurs

- 1 week full-time onboarding business training in-person
- 1.5 - 2.5  hrs/week online & in person.
- 1 week full-time for showcase and meetings in-person (Australia)

Story Behind How Our Company  - Starthub X Webflow Template
Increase Banking Accessibility Worldwide - Starthub X Webflow Template
About the program

Proven practices to validate businesses

The goal of this program is to help you test and validate your business ideas with real-world customers, built a network of industry contacts, and gain valuable personal and professional skills.

By the end of the program, you will be well-prepared with a dynamic business model ready for launch in Australian market.


Incub8tor has impactful numbers

We have spent many years working closely with high-profile, high-net worth clients to help them lay down the early foundations to either start their businesses or expand their investment portfolios and migrate to Australia.

Intensive training to launch your business
Annual business
revenue by alumni
businesses get off the
ground in Australia
Impactful Numbers - Starthub X Webflow Template
Why launch with us?

Prepare your business for the brightest future

Mobile App - Starthub X Webflow Template

Validated Idea

We help founders reduce risk, save time, money, gather valuable feedback, and build a customer base.

Crypto Supported - Starthub X Webflow Template

Founder Skillsets

We help develop your strategic thinking, problem solving, communication, and gain expertise areas such as marketing, finance and operations.

256-bit Security - Starthub X Webflow Template


We help define value proposition, build MVP, test, gather feedback, iterate and get your product ready to launch

World-class Support - Starthub X Webflow Template

Marketing Strategy

We help develop a market entry strategy with clear action plan and goals to measure progress of your business growth

Expense Reports - Starthub X Webflow Template

Build to Last

We help you build a business model with strong foundation, stability and sustainable to support your life in Australia

Automatic Payments - Starthub X Webflow Template

Legal Compliance

We support legal compliance aspect of the business from incorporation,  application and set up founder for Australia business network


We would love to hear from you!

If you are eligible with the details below, we’d love to hear more about you and the business idea that you are working on!

Interested in launching a business in Australia
Must speak at least a competent level of English
You must be available a few hours/week
Thanks for registering.
We will reach out to schedule a quick call.
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Why entrepreneurs
love Incub8tor

“Professional team ”

The Incub8tor program was a mind-blowing and intensely enriching experience for me. During these 12 weeks I was able to define our values, focus on our why and step out of my comfort zone which has led to an incredible gain of knowledge.

Jessica Wang
Business owner

“The best thing we did”

The course was fantastically organised and from start to finish an overall great experience. Although we had already much homework done in terms of defining our business ideas, planning financials, defining our market – the Incub8tor gave us some great tools to rethink and revalidate what we had already done.

Mike Nguyen
Tech entrepreneur

“Simply the best”

The Incub8tor has been an amazing experience, to go from an idea, refine it and develop a business model to turn it into a viable start up that meets our target markets needs.

Phuong Dang
Business owner
Our team

Meet our great team at Incub8tor

Talented individuals who with experiences across multiple industries